
An academic conference is an important channel for promoting scientific development and academic exchange. It could help scholars to:

  • Understand      the frontiers of the field;
  • Share               research results;
  • Inspire              scientific research ideas;
  • Review             their own research progress and improve the academic percipient.

To support scientific exchange in all forms, across all disciplines, PringMa would like to offer conference organizers services including conference organization, paper publication and sponsorship support.

Organize Your Event with Sciforum    

Website and Program Management
Sciforum provides online tools that support all aspects of event organization, including setting up and maintaining the event website, managing the peer-review process, handling and coordinating the event schedule, registration, billing, sponsors, etc.

Customized Event Services
In addition to offering access to the Sciforum tools, we offer personalized support to meet your specific needs, including management of registration, graphic design, live streaming support, and support with administrative tasks and financial accounting.
To know more about our services and submit a proposal click here.
For any questions regarding Sciforum, you may contact info@sciforum.net.

Publication Opportunities  

Proceedings Series
PringMa publishes a series of open access conference journals in all research fields, including Biology & Life Sciences, and Engineering. These journals provide a high-quality service and are dedicated to making the output of conferences widely available.
If you are interested, please fill in the proposal here.
For any questions, you may contact  info@PringMa.com.

Special Issues
We can also set up a Special Issue to publish full research papers based on their presentation at the conference in a relevant journal. The editorial office will take care of the technical aspects of the editorial process. The Guest Editors designated by the conference will be responsible for inviting attendees to contribute and making final decisions based on the review reports we collect.
If you are interested, please contact  info@PringMa.com.


We can collaborate with the conference to set up a topic, which is a collection of papers that concentrate on specific interdisciplinary topics in two or more related PringMa journals. Topics allow authors from different research areas to unite around one theme, describe multi-disciplinary applications and develop new ideas.
The editorial office will take care of the technical aspects of the editorial process. The Topic Editors designated by the conference will be responsible for inviting attendees to contribute and making final decisions based on the review reports that we collect.
If you are interested, please contact  info@PringMa.com.

Sponsorship Support  

PringMa cooperate with hundreds of academic conferences each year. Besides the above services, we can also provide various types of sponsorship support, such as conference advertisements on journal homepages, awards, keynote speeches, booths, etc.
If you are interested, please contact  info@PringMa.com